
Edenspiekermann enters Emerce 100


We are happy to share with you that Edenspiekermann is listed in the Emerce 100 with the best companies in e-business today!

We consider the listing – that is based on research amongst decision makers in the field of online marketing, ICT and e-business – to be a great reward and acknowledgement for our increased focus on engaging digital brand experiences and seamless digital services design. 

Emerce is the leading publisher and platform on e-commerce and -marketing from The Netherlands. The Emerce 100 is an image study that is performed in cooperation with research firm Motivaction. The full Emerce 100 list of 2015 can be found on the Emerce website (in Dutch). 

We thank our clients and friends for their trust and recommendations. 


And now back to business.

For inquiries or congratulations, get in touch with Jeroen Pluim in Amsterdam.