
Now Live: The New Carhartt Website

fallwinter2011 l

With the release of the 2011 fall/winter collection, we celebrate the launch of the new Carhartt website

Carhartt WIP is known for supreme clothing collections and dedicated support of upcoming artists, musicians, skateboarders and BMX riders. We were responsible for the design and development and are very happy with the result. Thanks a lot to the guys at Carhartt WIP for their commitment, courage and trust! 

We create websites that are more than online product folders or company profiles. With this site, we think we captured the Carhartt attitude.

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Team: Sven Ellingen, Moritz Guth, Nico Hagenburger, Meral Hirsch, Pierre Laube, Moritz Lawitschka, Sarah Lincoln, Benjamin Mateev, Jan Riethmayer, Eike Send, Dirk Schmid, Robert Stulle and Oliver Zeyen.