
‘Platform 5’ case study under way

TFI visual highres

The first case study of the ‘Service Design’ project  got under way last week. The case study, named Platform 5, focuses on possible improvements to the services available to passengers during periods of renovation.

The case study consists of several different phases, each with its own focus. The first phase of the case study is a research process focusing on passenger movement and behaviour. Cameras and sensors have been installed that will register the flow of passengers on a platform at Utrecht Central Station that is currently undergoing renovation.

Last week, research agency STBY initiated qualitative research in order to understand passenger experience and the underlying motivation for passenger movement. We have observed and recorded the behaviour of passengers when boarding and alighting from trains. Next week, a number of in-depth passenger interviews will also take place in order to get a more detailed insight into passenger behaviour.

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See the exploration of data visualisation (sketch) below:


We will provide regular progress reports for the ‘Platform 5’ case study via our blog.