
More energy than a drink



Much more than a new design: Edenspiekermann’s work for Red Bull Music Academy Radio completely renewed the user experience – in this case the listener experience. Website and campaign help to attract new audiences and to completely distinguish RBMA Radio from other musical services.

RBMA was established in 1998, RBMA Radio in 2005. What worked “back than” does not necessarily work now. Target groups have completely changed. Our task was to reposition the Radio. Our approach: careful curation, editing and guidance. What was needed was a completely new understanding – and investments in technology. Now is not just a website, but a service, based on musical knowledge, excellent technology, and taste.

Listening to the listener

The whole idea behind the concept is to show people: to focus on them as artists, audience and listeners. RBMA Radio now talks about shows totally differently, thinking of each show as a release. A DJ in Sao Paulo or an artist of a certain label might compile lists of shows on a particular musical phenomenon. The result is a totally different way of covering themes and presenting content. The RBMA Radio website now embraces the non-linearity of the web. The same applies for the Scrum methods we used in the process: It needs agile thinking. Moving from product vision to product increment, we kept asking ourselves and potential users and the client: “Do we really, really need this feature? Is this just a good idea – or something that will really be used?” Consequently, many ideas on the way are not realized. But the best and essential ones will be implemented in the shortest possible time.

To sum up, using agile methodologies and state of the art technology lead to exciting new features for RBMA Radio, such as browsing by themes, nine radio channels, high quality audio, and personalized recommendations. Plus, it works simpler, faster – and mobile.

Content, handpicked

For the supporting campaign, we focused on the positioning: “We are the best handpicked music radio on the web.” To RBMA Radio, this means both to promote and explain music – to provide relevant information and services to (potential) users, i.e. listeners.

We invite music enthusiasts to look behind the scenes. We want them to feel the experience of making radio shows. We developed online banners, motion graphics, print advertisments, flags, stickers to make collages, and illustrations that represent the formats of the radio.

The enthusiasm and endurance of our client took us all to a great result. We are very happy to have contributed to this milestone of music and sharing musical knowledge. Our thanks go to our main contact person at RBMA, project owner and musician Niklas Jansen.

For technical details and background information on Scrum and other agile methods please contact Sven Ellingen. For campaign and design concepts please contact Christian Hanke.

More projects Edenspiekermann did with Red Bull Music Academy:

Sharing music knowledge online by redesigning their website.  

Amplifying local music scenes beyond the beat by supporting their World Tour, integrating on- and offline experience and creating a unique identity for each event.